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All Pingree Grove Events Committee events are put on through volunteers and SOLELY funded by donations from generous local businesses and community members. Without the amazing generosity of people like you, we couldn't host these free community events.


This is where you come in! 


There are several ways you can help us with this year's Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony - 

  1. A Monetary Donation -  No amount is too small! All contributors will be listed on our sponsors page, as well as acknowledged at the tree lighting ceremony.

  2. Sponsor a Coloring Book PageThis is new this year! For just $50, you can sponsor a coloring book page that will go out to every child at the event! You can design your coloring book page or we can. Put your business info on it - maybe even offer a coupon! What a great way to promote your business or simply say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays to your neighbors! Reach hundreds of Pingree Grove and surrounding area families!


  3. Provide a Donation for our Annual Gift Basket Raffle - Whether you'd like to do an entire basket, or donate one item for us to combine with other items, or even donate a gift certificate - all items are welcome!

  4. Sponsor an Activity Table in the Crafts Room - New this year! Do you have a group that would like to host one of the activities in our Crafts Room, by providing materials and helping the children at your station during the event? Or, would you like to simply provide the monetary donation or materials for one of our activities - and we'll staff it? Any help here is greatly appreciated! 

  5. Volunteer - We are always happy to have extra hands at our events! If you'd like to help out at this event, or be a part of our committee, let us know! Many hands make light work! 

We Need Your Help!

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